Individual Member
This plan is designed for individuals, providing them with resources, training, and networking opportunities.
Corporate Member
This plan is for corporate bodies, and larger organizations involved in the cocoa industry, offering them opportunities for promotion, and strategic partnerships.
Producers and Farmers Associations
This plan is designed for cocoa farmers and cooperatives, providing them with resources, training, and networking opportunities to improve farming practices and access to markets.
Cocoa Marketers Associations
This plan is for marketers, involved in the cocoa industry, offering them opportunities for promotion, and strategic partnerships.
Processors and Manufacturers Associations
This plan is tailored to local processors and chocolate manufacturers to showcase their products, connect with suppliers, and access industry insights.
Traders and Exporters Associations
This plan is designed for local traders, exporters, and aggregators, providing them with tools to source cocoa beans, manage logistics, and connect with buyers.
Support and Development Organizations
This plan is for government, regulatory bodies, NGOs, and development organizations to engage with stakeholders, promote policies, and support sustainable practices in the cocoa industry.
Research and Academic Institutions
This plan is for agricultural research institutes, universities, and colleges, to share research, collaborate with industry stakeholders, and support education and innovation in the cocoa industry.
Input Suppliers Associations
This plan is for associations representing cocoa input suppliers, including fertilizer companies, pesticide manufacturers, and distributors of agricultural equipment providing them with a wider audience and stronger market position.